lunes, 28 de junio de 2021


Hello everyone, today we will talk about my career and its study program, and I am going to talk about the year that I am coursing right now, in the second year of studies we have different subjects to learn according to the program, those are Simulations for the Professional Practice, Scientific and Clinical Basis for Diagnosis, these two are the most important of this year and they have the biggest amount of credits, other subjects are Promotion and Education in Health, Evidence Based Dentistry, etc. The most demanding subject in my opinion its Scientific and Clinical Basis for Diagnosis, because the workload, it haves overlaps the other subjects and sometimes I think I only study for it, but, in another hand, it is one of the subjects that I like the most, and the classes only last about 30 minutes because of the online classes for me sometimes they lack time to teach about more things.

For me, online learning, it is so bad, especially for that careers who had to have practical activities to develop skills for their professional workout, and I guess every student that enters the university wants to live the university life and be on the faculty, classrooms, laboratories, etc.

Honestly, I prefer the traditional ways to study, like reading books, writing in my notebook the notes in the class, organize my schedule in the calendar, but I had to forcefully learn to use technologies to save time and be least time in studying.

domingo, 20 de junio de 2021


I guess time traveling is something that everyone has imagine or thinking about at least once, including me of course! 

For example, who doesn’t imagine getting rid of some stages of life, like being in school or get graduated, that will be a grateful moment don’t  you think? But seriously talking, and in my imagination, the first thing I would do if I had a time machine in my hands, it is to visit myself around all my ages to remember my past times and some situations that I enjoyed a lot and to know me when I was a child it would be interesting, and also I would like to travel to the past to live the experience in other epochs, like colonial times to use the typical clothes they used and live without electrical system, other epoch it is to be in the ancient Greece, the epoch that arose the Olympic games and where all the magnificent stories that it is written in books was created, it would be super interesting to know why those stories where made, I would like to do this trip with my boyfriend, because I like to travel with him and he also likes these epochs that I mentioned before and  am sure that he would like to go, but this trip would have a return, because I like my actual epoch and I would stay here.



domingo, 6 de junio de 2021


Since I was a child, I always wanted to be a health worker, because I like it and I wanted to be able to help people to get better when they feel ill and work in a hospital seems nice to me because I like the atmosphere there. 

Actually I´m studying Dentistry, it is my third semester and I love it, when I find out about this career, I knew immediately it was for me, I like the art and make paintings, and my favorite part it is to do the little details, and in dentistry, you have to make little teeth! I like the fact that you have patients and they are all a different case, and you have to work manually to fix their illness, this work it´s indoors, and you have to be very careful because the place you attend it has to be a sterile place, because you can transmit a big amount of diseases, into your patients or into yourself, so it has to be clean between every patient.

On average dentists works 30 hours weekly, I would like to work that hours in a public big hospital, to have other health workers around to make a complete circle of specialist for patients and help people of all ages to prevent and treat oral diseases. 

domingo, 30 de mayo de 2021


The animal kingdom is a huge world of living creatures, so different from each other, it is impressing the amount of shapes, colors and sizes they have, everyone has their special touch and that’s why I consider that I am an animal lover!

In my house we have 4 pets, 3 male dogs, Ringo, Rocko and Jack, and a turtle named Pepo. I love to play, sleep and be with them, they´re well behaved and an important part of the family just like humans, without my pets I would feel very lonely, because they brighten my life. I have been bitten by the dog of my uncle once, because she had newborn puppies and I wanted to touch them, but she got angry and she doesn’t let me do it, I have no hard feelings about that, but I remember that it hurts.

My family has always had pets in their house, my aunt once haves a tarantula as a pet, she lefts her prowling around the house and there is a funny story about that, one time, when a visit sat on her couch the tarantula walks by its hand and the visit screamed and jumped from the couch because he doesn’t know that my aunt had that peculiar pet.

sábado, 15 de mayo de 2021

 My favorite cartoon

When I was a child, I remember to watch a big number of cartoons after I arrived at my house from school, like in everything, it is so difficult to me tell what is my favorite, but there is one cartoon that I like until today, so I decided on that, its name is scooby-doo!

This cartoon is about four adolescents Fred, Shaggy, Daphne and Velma and an iconic talking Great Dane named Scooby-Doo, yes, like the tittle of the cartoon, together on their mystery machine they solve mysteries about supernatural monsters in every episode on average of 30 minutes length. I really like how it looks and its thematic, I usually used to watch it at least once a week or whenever I found them on broadcast, a fun fact that I just realized is that now I use to watch criminalistics serials like NCIS and related to this cartoon they are the same thematic, so I think Scooby-Doo influenced me on criminalistics serials, the part I like the most is when they finally solve the mystery, and you can know who the criminal is in that episode.

sábado, 1 de mayo de 2021


And also the very first one, it was on March of 2018 in O'higgins Park, Santiago. At the international festival called Lollapalooza, so many artists asist, but that year went my favorite one, Lana Del Rey, she its an American singer who sings alternative pop and other genres of music.

When i entered that she will come that year to the festival i dind´t doubt any second to buy the tickets, because years before i was looking to go with my friends someday. The day we went to the festival we spend by waiting to Lana because she was the last in the scenario, I was so tired of being stand up and before her concert start I get lost at all my friends cause all the people were crowded, when I was alone and it left one more artist to Lana's performance I remember I was just standing there without looking the scenario, but suddenly the time has arrived and the concert started, then I revived magicaly, i was like 10 people behind the first  line, I was very close, but there was people raising their phones to record and I couldn´t see right, then I put on tiptoe and the people where so close that they held me, it´s was like a sea and all moved side by side to the ritm of the music and singing at the songs, it was so exciting.

When the concert it was over, the lights turn of and all the sea of people turn around and started to walk around, I met with my friends to a preacorded place that we set in case if we lost, and there where reaching it one by one, because, all we got lost eachother! outside of that all, we have a super great time.

sábado, 24 de abril de 2021


Down in the los rios region, the capital it's Valdivia, we traveled there with my family for the first time around five years ago, we went in summer vacations, the trip was around seven hours by car, we stayed in a cabin wich inside it was all made with logs, it was so pretty and cozy.

During the days we dedicated to travel around the city, we went to the river calle-calle and its market next to him, and we got on a boat by a tour during the day, they take us to a place that it haves a church and an ancient tree, for lunch we ate a dish called "pulmay" in a ranch, you really have to go on a tour on boat if you are in Valdivia.

Another think I stongly recommend it is to visit the Botanical Garden of the Austral University, there we met something that we fell in love, a peculiar tree that impress us with its oranges and twisted logs, there was a bunch of them and its was amazing to see, that tree it was an Arrayán, after that we realized that they are everywere around the city.

Another place that you must visit its “La cervecería” by kunstmann, in there all it is inspired with the tematical of kunstmann and its country of origin, Germany, there you can order several types of beers, buy souvenirs and eat typical food of Germany, they have some many places to take photos to pleasure of the tourists. 

I can't even wait to visit it again, and I hope you wanna go now!

 CHANGES TO MY STUDY PROGRAMME Hello everyone, today we will talk about my career and its study program, and I am going to talk about the ye...