guess time traveling is something that everyone has imagine or thinking about
at least once, including me of course!
For example, who doesn’t imagine getting rid of
some stages of life, like being in school or get graduated, that will be a
grateful moment don’t you think? But
seriously talking, and in my imagination, the first thing I would do if I had a
time machine in my hands, it is to visit myself
around all my ages to remember my past times and some situations that I enjoyed
a lot and to know me when I was a child it would be interesting, and also I would
like to travel to the past to live the experience in other epochs, like
colonial times to use the typical clothes they used and live without electrical
system, other epoch it is to be in the ancient Greece, the epoch that arose the Olympic
games and where all the magnificent stories that it is written in books was created,
it would be super interesting to know why those stories where made, I would
like to do this trip with my boyfriend, because I like to travel with him and
he also likes these epochs that I mentioned before and am sure that he would like to go, but this
trip would have a return, because I like my actual epoch and I would stay here.
it's indeed an interesting topic and it´s sound really great travel to the past and see the diferents civilitations on it.